Thursday, September 20, 2007


Nick Bollea, son of famous wrestler Hulk Hogan was apparently racing his Toyota Supra in Clearwater Aug. 29 when he crashed. Nick and passenger John Graziano were brought to the local hospital where Nick was released with minor bruises. However, the passenger Graziano was in critical condition. Law enforcement states that Nick Hogan could face charges of gross vehiclar manslaughter, if alcohol, drag racing or excessive speeding was involved.

Only having his license for a little over a year, this was not his first speeding incident or run in with the law. Bollea's first offense he was pulled over doing 115 mph in a 70 mph and went to traffic school for that ticket. His second offense, he got caught doing 57 in a 30 mph! A few weeks later Nick was caught doing 106 in a 70 mph.

Obviously our little Hulkie is not aware of the consequences you face when speeding.

Nick Bollea and his family, have a hit reality show on VH1 called Hogan Knows Best. It stars his father, famous wrestler Hulk Hogan and his family living in Miami. Nick's older sister Brooke is pursuing a singing career. On the show, Nick has gotten into trouble for driving fast in their neighborhood and obsessing about making his car go faster. Obviously, the Bollea parents might want to start taking their son's speeding record seriously because on Sept.10, Nick has a court appearance and could face time.

Here is a video of the accident scene and Hulk Hogan arriving at the accident.

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