Sunday, October 14, 2007


VH1's hit reality television show America's Smartest Model has a local model Brett Novek from Fort Lauderdale. This model is employeed at my current internship Irene Marie Model Management in South Beach.

Does Brett Novek have what it takes to be the smartest model? Being a college graduate from the University of Central Florida with a degree in Marketing, Brett has an advantage to alot of the models on the show. Since I have met Brett, I am aware that he is very intelligent so let's see if he plays the 'dumb model' for a while.

Below is a picture of myself goofing off at the agency. The comp card being held in the picture is Brett Novek. He was actually at the agency when we were taking these pictures of our favorite models. So he yelled for one of the interns to hold up his card too.

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The show is based upon the same theory that all models are stupid. So the show has 7 guys and 7 girls who are on the show proving that not all models are stupid. Each week, the models are given tasks to have them show they have brains and beauty too.

In the end, a model will be coveted the title of "America's Smartest Model" and take home $100,000 VO5 Extreme Style prize.

This is not Brett's best picture because his hair is slicked back. However this picture does show off his abs.
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